My first outfit as a baby

In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
me as a baby only a day old
me as a baby only a day old
Story pending

My mother immigrated from St. Lucia when she was only 15 years old, life was completely different in America compared to the Caribbean. The only thing holding her together as she got older was me and my siblings. Sometimes family wasn't always reliable or trustworthy but at least she had us. My mom always told me the story of the day I was born. By the doctor telling her that I was a baby girl. Shocking to her surprise as on many occasions she was always told that I was going to be a boy on every ultrasound. I remember the joyful expression on her face as she told me she would cherish that moment forever. She always wanted a girl. I remember my mother reminiscing the doctor saying “this is the most beautiful black baby girl I have ever seen.” The smile that arose on my face was immaculate, I was infused with joy and happiness, seeing as this photo was captured the day after I was born I knew I felt the same way the doctor did. This was my first outfit as a newborn. Isn't it so adorable? 15 years later I still have it, my very first outfit. Now I too have something that I can remember and cherish forever. I can truly remember my first encounter as a member of my family to know how much my mother sacrificed to get me where I am today. As I grow older I look back at these moments to be blessed with moments of happiness, something special that shows my journey and upbringing. I can endure this with this very same picture that means the world to me where I can see it every day as it hangs on the wall in my room. 

Place(s): New York, Hospital
Year: 2008

– Treasure Daniel

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant