My First Love

In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant
Story pending

 As you can see, the most important object for me is a necklace my ex-girlfriend gave to me. I know it is crazy to say, but this was the first love of my life. That has a lot of value to me because love does not exist nowadays. This object is a plain, silver chain. The day I left her to go to my brother in New York, she gave the chain to me.  

It was Thursday, September 5, 2017. On this day, she gave what no one had ever given me before. She told me that the chain represents her love to me, so this object is important for me. My chain reminds me of my first love, and that is important to me. Nowadays, people just use you and afterwards, they leave. She told me that I will never forget her. She was a really good person for me, but she changed over time. I do not see her like I did before, but I have this chain to remind me.

The subject of this photo is necklace.  The background I used the green color.I used a rule of thirds is portrait composition. The elements of design this photo shows are shape round repetition. I chose this photo because I like the lighting,it is on focus.

Place(s): Guine Bissau, New York City
Year: 2018

– Muctaru Cande

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant