My Fathers Bracelet

In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
A photo of my fathers bracelet
A photo of my fathers bracelet
Story pending

I don't know much about the story of the bracelet before it was given to me, but I do remember my father giving me the bracelet when I was in middle school. My father and I aren't connected as I am with the rest of my family due to him not playing a big role for most of my life. Despite this, I still hold him dear to me and cherish the brief moments we've shared as father and son. There were times where he wasn't as distant as he is now, and when he tried to be a present figure in my life, and I still remember those memories clearly. The bracelet became a symbol of the connection we once shared. It brings both warmth and regret, as I do wish I could reach out to him more and continue sharing bonding moments with him.  Now, every time I hold the bracelet, I reflect on the importance of keeping in touch with others and not letting time slip by and become separated with those who are dear to me, even if they aren't always there to share precious moments with me.

Place(s): Jamaica, New York
Year: 1974

– Jerimiah Arnon

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant