My Father

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
My entire life.
My entire life.
Story pending

Family is something important to me. My father holds a special place in my heart. My dad's name is Angel G. Gavilan. He was born in Mexico City D.F. He is 52 years old. My father is my mom and dad in one. He is always there for me and takes really good care of me. He is strict but always wants the best for me. He works a job that is five days a week. After he comes home from work, I am usually at soccer practice. He waits for me to get home so that we can have dinner together followed by a long conversation about how our day went. My father is an amazing person. He is very humble and has an enormous heart. My father is an important person to me and my family. He brings the laughs and the mysteries about the world. He is always talking about something he saw on Facebook about remedies on things like a cold or stress. My dad cares about everyone around him. My dad is a person that will help you and see the good in you no matter what your actions say about you. My dad believes in God and La Virgin De Guadalupe. He is an important and inspiring person. I love you apa.

Place(s): Minneapolis, MN , Mexico City, Mexico
Year: 2000

– Anessa Garduno Gavilan

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant