My Family's Menorah

My family's menorah from Israel
My family's menorah from Israel

This menorah was passed down from my great-grandparents who migrated from Israel in 1907. This menorah is important to our family because it was carried by my great-grandparents who migrated from Israel all the way to New York then eventually to Chicago. It was passed down to my grandparents then to my parents and eventually to me. They left Jerusalem because they wanted to have more opportunities in the United States of America. Also because all of my great-grandma's family had already migrated to Chicago. The reason the Menorah is important in our religion is because it is used in December at a different time every year and you light a candle everyday for eight days representing the number of days the Temple lantern was blazed. The holiday the menorah is used during is called Hanukkah. 

Place(s): New York, Israel, Chicago
Year: 1907

– Luke A

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more