My dog (Wazy)

My dog (Wazy)
My dog (Wazy)

I chose my dog, Wazy, as a part of my cultural identity because my dog is a massive part of my family. In my opinion, family is a big part of your identity and culture because they are the ones who raise you and shape you into who you are to this day. I think that family is the ones who always have your back no matter what. My dog is my family. He is my family's pride and joy. We take him everywhere with us, even though he doesn't particularly like going on car rides. My dog's name is Wazzy. We got him from the snowy and cold mountains of Montana. We went to the airport to pick him up with open arms. He was given to us in a little blanket. He was so small and precious; all we wanted to do was take care of him. My dog has taught my family the importance of patience and love. My grandparents came to this country with little to nothing, one thing they had with them that was worth millions was their little gray poodle. Once my grandparent's dog passed away, which they brought with them when they immigrated from Ukraine, Wazzy would stay with them and keep them company while they were mourning their dog. He gave them love when they felt at a loss.  My dog is a big part of my family's beliefs and culture, and he shaped us into who we are today. 

Place(s): New York

– Sasha Pozharny

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant