My Dog

My dog and a horse.
My dog and a horse.

My object is my old dog, named Dragon, unfortunately he passed away when I was in fifth grade. Dragon was a really big dog and was a mix breed between a very aggressive species and also a very loving and gentle breed. When we took him on walks the other dog owners would always be hesitant to let their dog go around him and themselves as well. He was always misjudged, I’ve never seen a more loyal and gentle caring dog than him. I was born in California and about a few months after I started saying words, we got him. My parents let me name since he was a pup, I named him Dragon Icedog. My sister wasn’t born until we were already in New York, so he was kinda my first friend. Him and I both were born and had to move to a new place together. He was my protector and also my snuggle buddy, he was a reminder to me and my parents of life in California. My family is really big on dogs, so his memory in my life is the first thing that pops in my head when someone asks you “Are you a dog or cat person?”

Place(s): California
Year: 2012

– Connor Day

Relationship:  unknown unknown