My Cross

My Cross
My Cross

     An object that means a lot to me is the cross my father gave me. The cross relates to my religion and many of my beliefs. In my religion, we believe that our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, will guide us in the right direction. Also, when life gets you down and you are going through a rough time, it is all going to make you stronger in the long run. The cross is made of silver and gold and is always worn on a chain around my neck. my father wore a chain his entire life. One day, his chain snapped and he was unable to fix it. Instead of buying himself another one, he bought one for me. Since I was 10 years old the chain has yet to leave my neck. 
     There are certain times in my life where my cross really comes in handy. When I am struggling or nervous I grab the cross and kiss it. It helps remind me that I am not alone, and that no matter what I have someone looking over me. I see it as a sign that I was put in situations for a reason, and I will always find a way to be okay in the end. 

– Eddie Nugent

Relationship:  unknown unknown