My Blue Cleats

Relationship: Im/migrant
My soccer cleats
My soccer cleats

The phrases: “you can’t”, “you would never make it”, “HAHA look she can’t even make a goal”, “they’re better than you” have been the most heartbreaking words I have ever heard in my life. But, at the same time has been the most powerful words. Those words help me demonstrate to those people that I can do what they said that I could never have done. 

When people criticize your dreams and goals it is because they don’t have enough courage to take the risk to accomplish what they want. 
August 7, 2019, 12:29 pm at Wheaton mall, with one of my best friends Erika: A pair of phantom VSN club blue cleats begging to be part of my life. Since that day, they were my companions in my triumphs and defeats. With them, I learned that mistakes are learning experiences that help you to move on. 

At first, I felt frustrated, feeling incapable to achieve my goal. However, there was a tiny part inside me that still believed in myself. That became my motivation to give all the potential I have in every game. I might not be the best player on the field, but I never quit, I always figure out a way to get the best version of myself, no matter what others say or think about me. Although I haven’t reached the top, my blue cleats will be with me until the end of this journey. It’s not an easy journey. I’ve had to endure tears, pains, and negativity but, I still strive towards my goal. I will realize it. My blue cleats have accompanied me through hard times and happiness on the battlefield; the soccer field.

Place(s): Maryland

– GF

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant