My Baby Blanket

Relationship: Im/migrant
Warm and White
Warm and White
Story pending

Immigrating to the United States from Mexico wasn't an easy task for my parents and older brother. My mom strongly believed that to cross the border, you not only needed to be smart and have lots of hope that you are going to make it to the other side alive without getting caught. Arriving in the US meant starting to work from day 1 until you couldn’t anymore. They had a big debt to pay the coyote that helped them cross all the way from Tlapa, Guerrero to New York City. Since they had no where to stay, they stayed in the meantime with my aunt Flor who offered her small humble home to my family. Once they had paid their debt, they began helping out with rent since during that time, rent was already a big issue especially with a small home and lots of people living in it. When my parents and brother finally had enough to live independently, they moved out and also began sending money to Mexico for my grandparents to buy groceries. When my mom got pregnant, the elementary school that my brother attended gifted my mom a basket full of things to take care of babies. The basket was a representation of hard work and dedicating her days and nights to the well being of her family. The baby blanket is now a bit ripped, but to me has the same amount of meaning. Having determination and courage is what it takes to move on from the bad things in life. 

Place(s): Mexico, New York
Year: 2000

– Analize Eleocadio

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant