Military Medals

a picture of the medals
a picture of the medals
Story pending

      My object is military ribbons. They were medals, but they were passed down to my great uncle’s side and were probably sold for money. So only the ribbons remain; they are from my great grandpa Harold who was awarded these metals for serving in World War 2. The ribbons are to award the soldier’s bravery in combat. It is now used to remember Harold.  When it was together with the metal it was made out of cloth and metal. The ribbon now is in a box, where it will  always tell a story about Harold.      Born in 1917, Harold survived the Great Depression. In World War 2, he was drafted by the army. He served in places like Eastern Europe and possibly D-day. He was awarded the Bronze Star and more! After the war though, he was shell shocked and he could not speak until near 1998, which was the year he passed away. The army did not help him after he served even though they had enough money to help. His grave is in Indiana. I chose this object to tell the story of the men who served bravely for the U.S.A  and got scars from WW2.  The story of Harold has an impact on our culture because it shows bravery and survival.     I can remember him as a brave man who served in WW2. Sometimes I want to ask him why the army did not help him? If he had served so bravely in WW2, why not help him? So I remember Harold, who was a hoosier, a hunter, a soldier, a survivor, and a farmer, but most importantly he was family, And will forever be. Thank you Harold, may you forever rest in peace.      

Place(s): Indana

– SB

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more