Mi Religion de Oro

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Mi Religion en Oro
Mi Religion en Oro

Mi Religion en Oro (Religion in Gold) is what this image of jewelry represents.   The chain was gifted to me with the Virgin Mary by my mother on my first communion. I was born and raised in a Catholic Church. This chain holds a lot of emotional and physical value. Growing up as a first generation child to immigrant parents in America, there was always financial struggles. When I was gifted a gold chain, I knew how much time, dedication, and hard work my mother put in to work to buy me something this expensive and held a lot of love. The ring was gifted to me from my godparents who baptized me for my fifteenth birthday or as we call it, Quinceañera. They are my grandparent figures, and I also know how much they struggled to be able to gift me something really important. I wear both of these pieces of jewelry every single day. I know I carry them with me everywhere I go. God is always with me as well. I always feel protected and safe.    

Place(s): Mexicali, Baja California Mexico

– Carana Sedano

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant