
Great-Grandpa's Menorah
Great-Grandpa's Menorah

The Golden Menorah
This story I’m sharing is about my grandma’s golden menorah which has the Star of David in the middle. A menorah is a candle holder used for the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, also spelled as Chanukah. The Menorah has nine places for candles, one for each night of the holiday and an extra for the Shamash which is the candle that lights all of the other candles. This Menorah was brought by my great-great-grandpa and great-great-grandma who immigrated from the Polish town of Sokolow to Chicago in the early 1900's. My great-great-grandpa bought the menorah which was rather affordable at a shop in Poland and took it with him when he came to Chicago. Since then my family has carried on  Eastern European and Polish traditions like making Kreplach dumplings during holidays and Latkes which are potato pancakes. It has been used every Hanukkah ever since and when my great-great-grandpa died he passed it down to my Great-Grandma Beatrice  who passed it down to my Grandma Rhonda,  who uses it with us when we celebrate Hanukkah with her. When she dies it will be passed down to my dad and then after he passes, I would like to inherit it. Hopefully, I’ll be able to continue the joy and spirit of Hanukkah that was brought with my ancestors as they made their journey to the Windy City.  # Hanukkah

Place(s): Poland and Chicago

– River

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more