Medical Scissors

Great Grandfather's Medical Scissors
Great Grandfather's Medical Scissors
Story pending

My great grandfather was a doctor and to this day I have his medical scissors and here is what he did. My great-grandpa Joe Louis Watnick, my grandpa’s father, was a doctor of the nose, ears, and throat, and he had an office in Manhattan on 5th Ave. Along with my great-grandpa who was a doctor, my great-grandma was a teacher, so my grandparents had a normal, simple life. At the time they had good jobs and they had a child who, today is my grandpa. So medical scissors that he used were to look in the nose, ears, and throat kinda like a surgeon would do. The scissors are made of hard metal and they come in two sizes, big or small depending on what part of the face you are working on. And my great-grandfather must have helped a lot of people because being a doctor takes a lot of pressure and focus to do stuff like this.
Not only my great-grandpa help people as a doctor my great-grandmother’s brother Adolph, helped to bring Abert Einstein to the U.S. He works to bring doctors and scientist to escape from the Nazis in the 1930s from Germany to the U.S. I am really proud that my grandfather was able to help people escape the Nazis, and it makes me want to help people. Every time I look at the scissors, it reminds me of the people he helped and makes me want to help people too. 

Place(s): Manhattan, New York; Germany


Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more