

I chose a basketball to symbolize a story and how i have grown to who I am right now as a person, due to the following factors. Not only is basketball a very important sport that I love competing in right now, I find myself frustrated at the state I'm in sometimes when it comes to thinking about the goals I set for myself and the work I put into the game. I wouldn't say the game itself is what affects me most, I would say the commitment and maturity that comes with respect in the game and trying to accomplish/ play at the highest level is what brings me to this game. The days where I force myself out the house at 5:30am to go get shots up is what I really am proud of. I feel fulfilled when I'm able to impress myself and feel like I improved as a person due to what I accomplished. The maturity and discipline that comes with the game is what I REALLY focus on. Yes there's way more I could do, but what I do right now at this moment is more than I would have ever done if i hadn't had something to motivate me like basketball does. But lets not forget i do fucking love playing this game, its like job that i get infinit opportunities to succeed in but that last however long i want it to last. I can get better every single day and that is what I strive for. No i'm not a crazy good basketball player no i'm not known for being that good either. But I can say I do have heart for what I do and no matter what anyone says I will always be able to pick up a ball and have a good time. 

Place(s): New York

– Mateo

Relationship:  unknown unknown