
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Mangu Dominicano
Mangu Dominicano

I ate mangu when I was 5 years old. I like it because my grandmother used to make it for me. It is a very typical breakfast in the Dominican Republic. I like it because since my mom was in the United States she took care of me, so to speak. My favorite Dominican food is mangu, which is plantain, salami, egg, and cheese. The plantain has been mashed so that it has a good consistency, then the cheese, salami and egg are fried. It is very typical in the Dominican Republic. My family likes to cook when the family is around. We all do something different together, the children go to play while my mother and aunt start cooking. They like to be alone in the kitchen to be more so that nobody bothers them. I like when they make mangué, but my grandmother likes it better. This food has a very important meaning for me. I like my grandmother'

Place(s): Dominican republic
Year: 2021

– lisbeth

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant