Lefse Stick


My artifact is a lefse stick/lefse pin. Lefse is a thin, Norwegian potato dish, and the pin is used for flipping it and carrying it to the pan, laid upon the stove or grill. It’s not from Norway directly, my grandma just bought it from a person that was in the United States, (I don’t know exactly where or when she bought it, though…) and I think they handmade it. I think it’s made of wood, but I didn't ask anyone. It has a wood-like texture, though, so I don’t know what else it would make sense for it to be made out of. The pin/stick is my grandma’s, but my parents also have one. We make lefse on Thanksgiving, and we usually eat it on Christmas. I chose this artifact because lefse is one of the things that we make incredibly often, around once a year, that connects us to our heritage in Norway. We make it incredibly often, and we don’t do very much else that connects us to our Norwegian roots. This artifact teaches me that lefse must be very, very important in Norwegian culture, because we immigrated sometime around the 1700s, and we still make it to this day.

Place(s): Norway

– EU

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more