Latinx Niña

Humberto, Parker, Amalee, Isabella
Humberto, Parker, Amalee, Isabella
Story pending

Amalee is the young 7year old girl in the green folklore gown pictured after her traditional Mexican "Raspa" dance performance she had at her elementary school for an ELAC meeting. This picture has captured her mothers attention in the most profound way by how it shows the connection Amalee has to her heritage. Amalees performance on that Tuesday evening in September was not just a simple school activity, but a way of preserving and celebrating her cultural identity. The emotions and memories it evokes on her mother, reflects on her own experiences growing up Latina and the pride she feels in seeing her daughter carry on their traditions. Intergenerational connections and the importance of passing down cultural heritage to future generations is something to be prideful as we continue to live our lives. Her classmates, Humberto, Parker, and Isabella will share these memories together as they get older and Smith River Elementary School has been able to capture this very treasure of a memory for parents. This tradition has been happening for the past 10 years at this school, and it will hold a very sentimental feeling close to my heart. 

Place(s): Smith River Elementary School

– Jessica Ortiz

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant