La chicha venezolana

Un vaso con chicha adentro tiene canela
Un vaso con chicha adentro tiene canela

The chicha is a tradition of Venezuela and is made of: condensed milk, water, pasta, cinnamon, and cloves. This is a drink that looks foamy and like yellow.This drink is connected to my mom and dad. When we went out to eat they took me to a restaurant and bought it for me. I was very happy because I liked it a lot.The Venezuelan chicha represents the symbol of reciprocity as a vehicle of brotherhood in the country.When I drink chicha I remember my country and it gives me emotion. Near my house in New York Bronx there is a restaurant where they sell pure Venezuelan food and almost every weekend I go to eat there.

Place(s): Venezuela end New York
Year: 2022

– Gisell Morales

Relationship:  unknown unknown