Knitting Kit

My mom was born in and raised in Busan, South Korea. In 1988, when she was 27 years old, she migrated to America. She came to America because she wanted to continue her studies in Music and Composition. However, she could not continue and complete her study because she had to learn English first. Since she had no relatives or friends, she had to live on her own and start everything from the beginning. It was hard for her to communicate because she did not know a single word of English. From Korea, her mother sent her a knitting kit that her father bought for her around the year 1975-1980 as a gift when he was on his business trip in Japan. This knitting kit helped her cope and adjust to the new life in America. When she came to America, she often knitted with her knitting kit to help her clear her mind from stress and overcome her loneliness at her new home. Every time she uses the knitting kit to knit, she remembers of her family at home and her hometown. My mom continues to knit even today and she would often make clothes and accessories for herself and me.

Year: 1975

– Stacey Kang

Relationship:  unknown unknown