Karate Belt

Junior Nidan (2nd Degree) Black Belt
Junior Nidan (2nd Degree) Black Belt
Story pending

I remember getting my first black belt. I was nervous when I took the test. I felt proud of myself after earning my black belt because I had worked hard to earn it. Karate teaches me respect, discipline, self-defense, and empty-hand battle. I’ve been studying karate for 8 years. I first started learning Kenpo, but then we moved to a different style of karate, Uechi-Ryu. I started at white belt and I worked my way up to black belt, the highest rank. Two years ago I was asked to join the leadership team, a team of black belts that has shown maturity and discipline. They help teach the little ninjas classes; a rank of 4 to 5 year olds. When I was asked, I was excited and nervous at the same time because it’s a big responsibility. But I was proud of myself for earning a spot on the leadership team. I remember my first class as a little ninja. Kanbun Uechi, the originator of Uechi Ryu, founded the style after he immigrated to China from Japan to study martial arts and Chinese Medicine. He and Shushiwa, Kanbun’s teacher, developed this style of karate. When Kanbun Uechi went back to Japan he taught the new style to his son Kanei Uechi. The style was passed onto Mr. Tomoyose, eventually immigrating to America with Sensei Mattson. He taught Sensei Durkin who taught my martial arts instructor Bert Cunningham.

Place(s): Japan
Year: 1896

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Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more