Jorge J Marquez

Relationship: Im/migrant
My Mother's Bible
My Mother's Bible
Story pending

She has this bible that she got in Mexico when she was 14. When she was a teen she was a very religious girl, and in her small town they would all assist the Sunday masses or would attend other religious events. She bought this bible in her hometown located in Guanajuato, and she wanted the bible so that she could educate herself about her religious beliefs, and read the stories about god in the bible. This bible is very special to her because it's the only object she brought from Mexico when she immigrated to the United States. When she was traveling to Tijuana to get ready to immigrate to the United States she was very mixed up in her emotions so she would read her bible to feel strength, and peace. My mother faced many difficult obstacles in her life, but She would always read the bible to give her strength, hope, happiness, and peace. My mother immigrated from a poor small town that's almost unknown, to Salem, Oregon and she felt very scared because to her this was a big change in her life. She immigrated to the United States for a better future for her children, and for her future grandchildren to come. She didn't want her children to suffer the way she did in Mexico, or for her children to know the feelings of starving because you don't have food for the next day, nor to have any clothes, or to sleep on the floor because there isn't any furniture.

Place(s): Mexico Guanajuato
Year: 2001


Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant