Jesus Cross Necklace

Jesus Cross Necklace
Jesus Cross Necklace

My cross necklace is very important to me. When I was 8 years old, 9 years ago, my grandmother gave it to me when she cam to the United States. She lived in the US for 15 years and then moved back to Poland. Now, I wear it every single day no matter where I go. My necklace has Jesus hanging on the cross. This necklace is made out of silver. This necklace reminds me of my grandma and my religion every time I look at it or remind myself that I have it on. Every Sunday I attend church with my family. This is an essential day of the week. I spend it with my family, we go somewhere, we eat dinner together because during the week we are all busy with our things. Since the necklace is a gift from my grandmother, it not only reminds me of religion but also of my grandmother. I usually see my grandmother once a year because she lives in Poland. I usually go every summer, but sometimes she comes to visit me in the United States. Religion is very essential to me. I have friends who also agree with me and are religious. When I went to Poland, I went to the most spiritual place in Poland that has a picture of Mary holding baby Jesus and it’s in gold. At 6 am it is unveiled but then at night time gets covered by these heavy hydraulic doors. This is very special to me so religion is a crucial thing for me and will always remind me of my grandmother.

Place(s): Poland

– Ralph Wolak

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant