Jacob's Keys


For eight years of my life, I lived in a small town in five different houses, but not one had my family’s name attached to it. We rented apartments and lived in other houses of family and friends, but we never had our own house. However, four years ago, my mom purchased our home. Going from an apartment to a house that is yours is life-changing. Sharing a room with your siblings and then going to have your own room is a profound change. When I got my key to our new house, it made me feel like I truly have a place to call home, a place to feel safe and secure that was permanent, a new and welcome feeling A few months ago, I earned my lifetime goal: I bought my own car, which I had wanted since I can remember. I worked over the summer four days a week for five hours each day, working outside in the heat and humidity of the New York State summer. I have saved up enough money to get what I wanted. The ability to go anywhere at any time without asking a friend or a family member is a surreal and rewarding feeling. That is what my keys mean: safety, security, hard work, and achieving goals no matter how small or big they are. Keys are a constant reminder of what I worked hard for and what my mom has worked hard for. If I lose them, I lose what I have worked for.  

Place(s): New York

– JB

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more