Incense & Smudging Sticks

These are smudge/smudging sticks
These are smudge/smudging sticks
Story pending

Even though neither of us are immigrants (my grandma on my mom's side immigrated here from Jamaica) she always made sure I was culturally aware. I live in a multicultural household and I’ve always had a very strong attachment to my mom. She always helps me feel safe. When I had nightmares as a young child, she would comfort me and hug me until I either fell asleep in her room or found the courage to go back to mine. My eyes would even play tricks on me when I was much younger causing me to see things in the nighttime that would scare me. I would run to my mom as usual and she would come in with her incense and smudging sticks. The smudging sticks are burned at one end and the smoke from it is used to cleanse the space or area of negative energies that may be lingering. The aroma created from the burning of the incense sticks calms nerves and slows down the heart rate of an individual which gives a feeling of being at peace overall. This matters to me so much because I feel that she would do anything in her power to make home a safe place for me no matter how unusual the circumstance is. The incense sticks and smudging sticks represent the feeling of a blanket. I know other families aren't as gentle as my mother is with me which makes me so grateful. The warmth and comfort of someone simply being there for you. This upbringing that I had inspires me to be that kind of person for other people; someone to confide in.

Year: 1968

– Ferrah Reid

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant