immigration papers

Story pending

My great, great, great-grandmother (Elsie), on my mom's side came over to the United States from Belgium in 1903 to Ellis Island. We don't know a lot of the details but at some point, her father left her and a sister alone and went back to Belgium so they ended up in an orphanage. They made a way together living in Minnesota, Chicago, and Florida.  They also reconnected with some of their other siblings. Rug weaver as a trade; weaver of lace, afghans, and slippers as a hobby; weaver of past to present.  I'm grateful to have records of my family's history I know that so many other families do not.

Place(s): Belgium, US
Year: 1903

– mattea

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more