'I VOTED' sticker

'I voted' sticker from past elections.
'I voted' sticker from past elections.

This object represents my parents' stickers they received from the 2016 presidential election. After both my parents had voted they received an “I VOTED” sticker and I had stuck a bunch of them all over my notebook. I was eight years old and pretty uneducated when it came to politics; however; I agreed with whatever my parents and family believed in because those values were the only thing I was ever truly exposed to. These ‘I voted’ stickers that I stuck to the bottom of my notebook represent the biases and personal knowledge I believe we all carry from a young age. When I was eight years old I couldn't entirely grasp the concept of what the values and morals consisted of in a democratic party or a republican one. I believe our biases stay with us our whole lives until they are forced to change through new experiences. Even now 9 years later I am 17 years old and I still agree with the political views my parents have and I have grown into learning more about politics and my values have not changed much. This experience is personal knowledge because not everyone shares the same experiences, beliefs, and backgrounds. I have grown from this because I'm now able to differentiate how I know things and if it's because of knowledge that everyone was exposed to or knowledge that was personal to my life and my upbringing. 

Place(s): Brooklyn, New York

– Sadie Gibberd

Relationship:  unknown unknown