Huaraches (Mexican Sandals)

In Attire
Story pending

  The image on the left are Huaraches ( Mexican Sandals) which is a tradition my grandmother brought over to Mexico. They come in all colors and designs which depending on where you were born in Mexico differ from city to city. My grandmother being from Michoacán Mexico, immigrated to the U.S bringing these styles of shoes from when she was a young girl to pass down to her future generations. It's been a tradition that any of her daughters or grandchildren and so on when they turn 15 that they were them to signify them turning into a woman. It's also a symbol of their Mexican pride, giving them their sense of belonging and where their roots come from. Witnessing them being worn by my family members at their quinceañera has been a core memory of mine that makes us feel proud and grateful of our Mexican heritage. 

Place(s): Michoacán Mexico

– Jovani M. Contreras

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant