
In Attire

My great grandparents were on Oskar Schindler's list during WWII. I found a ring that connected all the way back to the 1950's. The ring is made from a diamond and a stone. The diamond is from Schindler's factory in Krakow, Poland and we don't know where the stone is from. Oskar Schindler was a member or the Nazi party. He was a rich businessman who used his factory to save Jews. I first found out about this ring when I did a immigration project in 4th grade. My great grandparents were Jews during WWII working in Schindler's factory. My great grandma was working in the metal shop at Schindler’s factory. One of the things they made was shells for the German cannons. They used a diamond stone in the tool bits used to cut the metal for the shells. When they were moved from the factory in Krakow to the camp in Brinnlitz, Czechoslovakia. She took the diamond from the bit, smuggled it and kept it until they were freed and went to Bamberg, Germany where they lived and my grandpa was born. When they came to the USA she brought the diamond and had it made into a ring. This ring is from WWII and is kept at my aunt's house. It's important to our family because it is one of the few things we have from my great grandparents and one of the memories we have from WWII and the factory.

Place(s): Krakow, Poland and Brinnlitz, Czechoslovakia

– HS

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant