
Hojaldra Yucateco
Hojaldra Yucateco
Story pending

Hojaldra is a very simple pastry consisting of bread, ham and cheese. Much like a sandwich, the dish is very delicious as the sweetness of the bread mixes well with the salty ham and cheese. Hojaldra is a known pastry in Merida, Yucatan and very popular in our household. In the early 1940s my grandparents would always prepare this dish for themselves as well as their six children, at the time. When my grandfather came to the United States for work he would migrate back to Yucatan to visit his family. Eventually, when my grandfather brought over my grandmother and their children the traditions came as well.  In 1943, my grandparents along with their, at the time, six children migrated from Espita, a pueblo located in Merida, Yucatan. Once fully migrated to the United States, they had two more children. My grandma prepares a variety of recipes in our household originating from Yucatan, one of the recipes being Hojaldra. Each one of my aunts and uncles, including my dad have passed down the tradition of teaching each of their own children the preparation of Hojaldra. The dish is just a reminder of our origins and customs from Yucatan. Its a very special dish because when we visit Merida we consume Hojaldra throughout our time there. Upon return to the United States, we can also consume it here as prepared by grandmother. Making us feel always at home, just like in Merida.  

Place(s): Yucatan
Year: 1943

– Alyssa Gutierrez

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant