His First Meal

Bacon Burger From Carls Junior
Bacon Burger From Carls Junior
Story pending

Although this is not a traditional object many would consider important, it’s one of the first foods my grandpa ate when he came to America—a bacon burger. He was quickly met with disappointment as the food didn't taste as great as he had hoped it would. Instead of feeling free and relief that he had made it to America, after running in the desert for days, he had a sense of grief. He longed for the food in Mexico and didn't know when he could eat those traditional dishes again. But this helped him, as he made it his goal to one day return so he could eat all the flavorful dishes once more and share them with his family.

Place(s): Durango Mexico, Pasadena California
Year: 1980

– Melissa Gil

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant