Hilo Dollar

Hilo Dollar
Hilo Dollar

My object that I am writing about is a Hilo Dollar. It is from Hawaii, when it was created by the king and queen that ruled Hawaii before it became an official state. It can’t be used to buy stuff now, but it was used in Hawaii as a currency before Hawaii became an official state. It was used by the original inhabitants of Hawaii, the Polynesians.  They used coins and paper dollars with the King and Queens images on the money. This coin is made out of gold. It was passed down from my great grandfather to his son, my grandfather who lives in Hawaii. 
I chose the coin because my grandfather gave it to me on my first trip to Hawaii when I was two years old. The coin teaches about Polynesian culture and the history of Hawaii, where my grandparents have lived for over 40 years. My grandfather has collected coins money and relics from the Polynesian culture and he will pass them onto me one day. I did have questions about the queen on the coin but my grandfather took me to the Polynesian Cultural Museum in Oahu and I learned more about my object. My family is not Polynesian but Hawaii is my favorite place and I am really interested in Hawaiin history and my grandparents experience living on the island of Oahu.

Place(s): Hawaii
Year: 2021

– R

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant