Heart Locket with Jewish Star

Heart Locket Necklace with Jewish Star
Heart Locket Necklace with Jewish Star

My object is my Great Great Grandma's  heart locket necklace with a Jewish star on it. Her husband left it for her when he came to the USA from Poland. He knew that they would have a better life there so he decided to go by himself first and see what life would be like. My Great Great Grandma and her daughter Dora would later come to meet him in The United States. This necklace has been passed down from generation to generation, my Great Great Grandma, Great Grandma Dora, Grandma, mom and now me. This necklace is beautiful and a great reminder to me and my family of where we came from and the struggles our ancestors have gone through so we could be where we are now.

– DP

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more