

The recipe I chose is Halo-Halo It’s Tagalog ( the language of the Philippines )for MIx-Mix  because you really mix the dessert up. It’s a real yummy dessert. It’s made of an assortment of sweet beans,fruit like jackfruit, different coconut products like Jellies and strips, it is also made of crushed ice, evaporated milk, Ice cream Ube flavored( Ube is the same thing as Taro. It’s usually served in like a big goblet or a bowl because then you mix it up afterward and it’s super yummy.  The reason I chose Halo-Halo is because well, It’s my favorite Filipino dish and I love it so Yeah! Halo-Halo is connected to the family on my mom’s side. Because like their filipino and sometimes I get the ingredients and make it. My Lola and Lolo(my grandparents) went to the U.S in the 60’s and that’s where they met and when I was introduced to Halo-Halo I fell in love with it. There's a Filipino restaurant around my neighborhood and I like the main reason I always want to go there is because I almost always get the dessert and it’s really really yummy. Also, I've never been to the Philippines so when I go this summer I’m gonna try to eat it every day. I love it and it’s one of the best desserts out there. 
 And I wonder when Halo-Halo was invented and if it was intentional or not. And overall I think Halo-Halo is a really good dessert that I Love.

Place(s): Philippines


Relationship:  unknown unknown