Hacky Sack

In Fun
Hacky Sack
Hacky Sack
Story pending

My brothers and I share a fascination of the outdoors. We also share a hacky sack collection. These hacky sacks have been acquired from various camp stores, and they serve as a reminder of the memorable experiences we've had at those locations. Also, hacky sacks have come to the rescue on many occasions when boredom has threatened to destroy us. My older brother has mastered the movements used to play hacky sack. His mastery has served as a beacon for me to work towards. I look up to my older brother in all aspects of life, just as I look up to his skills with a hacky sack. Hacky Sacks have given me the opportunity to set an example for my younger brother to look up to. Negating the times they get stuck on the roof, hacky sacks serve as a steadfast emblem of my family's bond.

Place(s): Camp Powhatan, Salem

– Brandon Coklin

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more