
Relationship: Im/migrant
Edward donating to children in the DR
Edward donating to children in the DR
Story pending

Edward Marte immigrated to the United States from the Dominican Republic, alone, at sixteen years old for the chance of a better life for both him and his family. Upon arriving he soon learned that things wouldn’t go as he planned. Despite being an honors student back home, after arriving in Binghamton NY, he was told he had to take the GED to determine if he could enroll in the community’s high school. With the test being in English, a language he wasn’t fluent in, he unfortunately failed. Feelings of frustration quickly overtook Edward but instead of letting hopelessness consume him, he decided to reroute the path to his plan by taking classes at the American Civic Association where he sharpened his English skills. After a year, he was finally enrolled in Binghamton High school, while working two different jobs, being a member of the boys and girls club, and a member of a Hispanic institution that taught leadership skills. Edward ended up developing a passion for helping people which guided him on a new track where he could provide assistance to others, especially immigrants just like him. Today, he is the Outreach and Refugee Resettlement Coordinator at the American Civic Association, the place his journey started, as well as being a volunteer with a group that goes on trips to different countries to help individuals and communities in need with various different kinds of donations like money, food, and even school supplies. Edward went from being new to the country and needing guidance of his own, to being an active leader in his community who helps guide others. 

Place(s): Dominican Republic, United States, New York, Binghamton

– Told by Edward Marte, Written by Javonne Thomas, Audio by Fernando Villalona "Dominicano Soy"

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant