Grilled Goat Meat

This is grilled goat meat for our parties that are specially for people come farway. This is great to eat because you can put different spices in the meat which makes it good to eat. The food is made preparation in my house by killing the goat and dismantling it by parts.
This is grilled goat meat for our parties that are specially for people come farway. This is great to eat because you can put different spices in the meat which makes it good to eat. The food is made preparation in my house by killing the goat and dismantling it by parts.

Grilled goat meat in Mexican style for eating in a group of members in family and friends which I’m using as my object to explain why I like thing this way of life. Grilled meat that we use is from the goats we have in front of our yard. This meat comes from these goat parts like the ribs, liver, and smooth meat like in the upper leg to tear it apart to eat. The feast that we have are for people that we know who come far that are either family relatives. This is important to me because this is a part of my family culture to make this food in our family in Mexican style and have everyone come together. Family and friends talking with one and another for a long period of time. People listening to music and talking until night time. Talking about stories from long ago with the grilled meat is great. In our way of making this food is different because my family put up a fireplace outside and have the steak grilled there with lots of species in a old fashion Mexican way.

Place(s): Riverdale

– Cristian Gomez

Relationship:  unknown unknown