Gray Bracelet

Story pending

Although I have received many important gifts throughout my life, the gray bracelet I received from my grandma, Phyllis, while we were on vacation in Puerto Rico in December 2015 is the most memorable. On the last day of this unforgettable trip, I was given a gray bracelet, completed with small frogs connected on a string. From that December until March, I wore it every day. My bracelet also represented my grandma’s belief in tradition. She possessed many items which were handed down to her by her Polish ancestors. One of her favorite items was a necklace her grandpa wore throughout his life, and she cherished this as she was his only grandchild. Prior to October 2012, she had many items that she loved but Hurricane Sandy took down her house and as a result, many items were lost. Unfortunately, in March of last year, my grandma passed away from cancer and the last time I spent with her was on the memorable vacation. While I look at the bracelet, it reminds me of the joy my grandma would bring to everyone around her. The facial expressions on each frog represent the happiness my grandma had every single day, no matter the circumstance. Considering what Grandma Phyllis would want for me, I have decided to cherish this bracelet as she cherished her necklace. I hope to start a new tradition following the tradition that was halted.   

Place(s): Puerto Rico and New York
Year: 1921

– Jacob R.

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant