Grandpa as top sales man

Top Sales men at Felix Chevrolet
Top Sales men at Felix Chevrolet
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My grandfather, Yunes Abud Nabilsi, is of Syrian descent but was born and raised in Tampico, Mexico. He moved around or in his young life but eventually found his way back to Tampico where he met my grandma, Elizabeth. My grandfather served in the United States Army as a medic and eventually moved to California after his service. He found a job working at Felix Chevrolet in Los Angeles. Once he was stable and financially comfortable he moved my grandma to California and they began family. As the family grew my Grandpa opened his own business called Modern Computers which flourished successfully. Now they own a beautiful home in Cerritos and I can confidently say my grandfather started my family's legacy in the United States.

Place(s): Tampico, Mexico. Los Angeles and Cerritos, California
Year: 1960

– Adrian A Argumedo

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant