Grandma' Ring
From what my mother has told me, my grandmother, named Gale Goldstein, wore a diamond-shaped ring almost every day. It was her very first purchase with her own money when she started in the workforce as a secretary. The ring was always special to my Grandma Gale. Unfortunately, when my grandmother was 39 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and fortunately beat it. At 48 she was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was given only 1 month to live, but because of her positive outlook on life, she lived a whole extra year. When the time came for her to pass away she left my mom with her diamond-shaped ring to always remember her. To this day my mom has consistently worn this ring in honor of her mother, Gale Goldstein. My mom plans to pass this ring on from generation to generation starting with my little sister when the time comes.
– TP
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant