Grandfather's WW2 Journal

My grandfather writing in his journal
My grandfather writing in his journal
Story pending

My great-grandfather was in the US military during the second World War; he served for multiple years, and experienced many horrors of war. My family is fortunate enough for him to have written his experience of the war into a journal, and we still have it to this day. He saw the devastation of the war, the consequences, and the outcomes. He witnessed concentration camps, as well as many things which were somehow worse. This is very significant to my family as this is one of the few things we have to remember him by, as well as the fact that he documents his experiences in great detail, which gives us a better understanding of him as a person, as well as what many people had to experience during that time. 

Place(s): Mainland Europe
Year: 1916

– Jacob Ecker

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child