Grandfather's Music Stand

Music Stand
Music Stand
Story pending

 For as long as I can remember, I've had an interest in learning to play an instrument. At first, it was the drums. Then the guitar. There were many instruments before I finally landed on the violin. When I picked it up, it finally clicked, this was the instrument for me. As a gift for finally finding my instrument, my Papa gave me one of his music stands. I think I got my love for music from him. He played clarinet from the New York Symphony and he had always encouraged me to get better, to keep practicing, and to always improve. At first, the stand didn't mean much to me. It was useful, sure, but it didn't hold any special value. Then, in September of 2020, my Papa passed away. I hadn't seen him in six months due to covid. I struggled to remember what he looked like. This stand is one of the few things I have left from him, and I refuse to lose his memory. I plan on using our music stand for as long as possible. I want to honor his memory by using the stand to become the best musician I can be. And maybe one day, I can pass it along to the next generation.


Place(s): Kansas City, New York

– Brock Robichaud

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more