Gold, Ruby Earrings

In Attire
Story pending

Me and my family came to America when I was 2 years old. I don’t remember it, but we immigrated from Belarus. I always visit there when I get the chance, but I realize I don’t have as many family branches as I thought, until my mom introduced me to the eating she had. These earrings belonged to my great-great-great grandma, and it was passed down all those generations. My mom said that all of the females in the branch wore the earrings, and they would be mine next. They are gold, and have a red ruby in the center. These earring make me feel connected to my past families, ones that I didn’t even know about. It kinda represents how far we got, as we started off in belarussia and somehow ended up in America.

Place(s): America and Belarussia
Year: 2008

– L

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child