Gold Necklace

In Attire
A gold necklace with white beaded pearls
A gold necklace with white beaded pearls

For this project, I chose a long gold necklace with beaded pearls that is my grandma’s. This necklace is a part of her identity and reminds my grandma of Cali Colombia. My grandma is from Cali Colombia and migrated to the United States in 1976. Her odyssey was rough and it took a long time to come to the United States. During, she was robbed by a coyote. A coyote is a human smuggler that people hire to guide them on their trip. When she arrived in the United States, my grandma wanted to explore. At a small boutique in Chicago, my grandma got this necklace. She chose this necklace because it reminded her of my great-grandmother. My great-grandmother loved gold jewelry. My grandma also told me that she loved this necklace because it reminded her of the scenery of Cali Colombia. Cali Colombia has warm temperatures and lots of greenery. With the gold and white pearls it reminded her of the warm weather like summer and the pearls of her favorite jewelry accessory. Now, my grandma told me that she would pass the necklace down to me when I turn 15. And would be expected to pass it down to many more generations. This necklace is not just a necklace but symbolizes many memories my grandmother experienced. Now when I wear it, I will think of her and new memories.

Place(s): Chicago, Cali Colombia
Year: 1976

– Ava

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant