Gold M Necklace

In Attire

 This was my great grandmother Margret's golden M necklace. It is originally from Italy and she brought it over when she came to the U.S. She got it when she was born, making it around 100 years old. When my grandmother Marguerite was old enough my great grandmother gave the necklace to her. It then skipped a  generation because no one had a name that started with M. When I was around 10 my grandmother gave me the necklace hoping that one day I would be able to pass it on. This necklace is important to my family because it reminds us of our family history and all the hard work they went through to make sure their family and future generations could live a long healthy life.

Place(s): Italy, Brooklynn

– M.D

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more