

The “Fritay” is a cultural food from my country, that my family raised from. The Fritay is made of green plantain, pork, grated malanga, garlic, scallions, pepper, and griot which is fried pork. The culture of the food come from West Africa since Haiti ancient histories. This food means so much to me because when I eat it I think about what our slaves was going through when they were cooking the food for others but they could not eat it and they were starving. Another thing that made me fall in love with this food is my mother because growing in our household this food had a lot of traditions because Haitians cook it almost on every occasions, and it bring a lot of childhood memories into me every time someone is eating or my mother is cooking it at home. When I was a child, I had a hard times at school I had trouble with other kids, so my mother cooked this food for me because she knew that it will make me feel better and convince me from being a trouble kid and stressing. What I like on Fritay is the spicy part of it which called pikliz in Haitian Creole.  

Place(s): Haiti, New York
Year: 2016

– R.C

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant