Friendship Necklace

Relationship: Im/migrant
Friendship necklace
Friendship necklace

My friend Joshua and I used to watch soccer games together. In our neighborhood of El Milagro, outside of Guatemala City, I supported CSD Municipal. Los Rojos. But the big game that we always got excited for was El Clasico. Barcelona vs. Real Madrid. We both loved Barcelona, especially Leo Messi. It was this shared passion for Barcelona that I will remember most about my friendship with Joshua.

One day I was playing soccer with my friends. When we finished playing, I went back home, and my tia told me that I was leaving Guatemala to reunite with my parents who I had not seen in more than six years. When she told me this news I felt happy because I was going to see my parents again after many years. But I also felt sad because I was leaving behind all of my family and friends, including Joshua.

I had known Joshua since I was seven years. We attended elementary school together and lived on the same street, and I saw him almost every day. On the day I left Guatemala, Joshua came over to my tia’s house. It was then that he gave me the necklace, a simple grey chain that looked like a military necklace. At the bottom was a dije with the Barcelona logo on it. When Joshua gave it to me, he said, “This is something simple, but with a lot of love. This will represent our friendship. Do not forget about me, and take this with you at all times. Save it forever.” He made my last day special and unforgettable. Now, whenever I look at the necklace, a lot of incredible memories come into my mind. I am reminded of good moments with friends and family from my beautiful country of Guatemala.

Place(s): Guatemala

– CR

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant