Friendship Necklace

Homemade Friendship Necklace
Homemade Friendship Necklace

     I made this necklace nine years ago in Savannah, Georgia. It’s match lives in Ponte Vedra, Florida with my best friend, Ellis. Just like this necklace Ellis is bubbly and colorful, and she is the brightest light in my life. I made this necklace while visiting Ellis the first time she moved away from me (since then she has moved back and forth three other times). Ellis has been the closest thing I have had to a sister, and her family has become an extension of my own. Sitting in my first grade class, months in with no real friends, I never would have thought that the new girl who had just moved back from Japan would become one of my biggest inspirations and supporters. This necklace represents the best aspects of my childhood, and is a lasting memento of my love and dedication to the people I’m closest to.     There are multiple reasons why I want to pass this necklace down to my children. I want them to know what it is like to have a friend that you love to the point where hundreds of miles of distance don't break apart your bond. I want them to know that they have an “aunt” who loves them unconditionally, and nearly as much as I do myself. I want them to know that things can work out when times get hard. And lastly, I want them to know that their mom’s childhood friendship is one of the best things she has been gifted in her life, and that they deserve to give themselves the chance to love and be loved. 

Place(s): Florida, Virginia
Year: 2014

– GA

Relationship:  unknown unknown