
In Fun
Pic from the championship game
Pic from the championship game

Football. It's a game that has been in my family forever. The game has been the reason for my cheers and my cries. This game is important to me because the game just runs in my family. My grandfather played in college. My cousin plays at Michigan State right now. My uncles were all-state in high school and also played in college. My dad played in college. My brother currently plays in college. The game of football is just totally different in my family. It is more than a game. Some may say that I am pressured to be like my family in football, but I find it to be my fuel. Also, football isn't just a game. It has taught me many lessons to use when I can't play football anymore. The two most important lessons the game taught me are how to be a man for others and face adversity. This year in football was my best. My team went to the championship, but we lost. In the semi-final game, I made a tackle and broke my hand. I waited until after the next game to go to the hospital and get it checked out so I could play in the Championship. I did that act so I could play because I knew that that was what my grandfather, dad, brother, cousins, and uncles would have done. 

Place(s): Pennsylvania

– Shane

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant