

My object Is a food called Feijoada. I come from two places: Puerto Rico and Brazil. This dish comes from the Brazilian side of my family. Feijoada is used to bring people together And to have a big happy meal. My mom and dad both make this dish together. I enjoy watching my parents make this dish together. Feijoada Is a traditional rice and Bean dish. It is made with: a ham, rice, a lot of seasoning and more. Feijoada  is the national dish of Brazil And it is made of three small side dishes: one is some steam kale, just to go with the dish. Two is: Some cut up oranges, to cut the fat of the meal.  three is: farofa, And you put it on top of everything, in other words farofa toasted cassava flour. 
I chose Feijoada  as my object because: Feijoada Is a meal that was fed to slaves in brazil. The slave owners would take leftovers food from their meals and put it together and that was the first Feijoada. Feijoada  teaches me about:  what slaves in Brazil ate as their meals. It teaches me about: The foods we eat in my culture. This meal is connected to my grandparents: Alzira and Jose.They immigrated to the US in 1986. My grandparents first came to the US in 1979 and they were thinking about staying for three years. When they had my father they came back to the US and stayed In the US. 
Some questions I have about Feijoada are: why is the name of this meal Feijoada? Does it mean something in another language and finally are there any other ingredients that I missed? My comment is that: Feijoada is amazingly good! All in all, these are the reasons why I picked Feijoada as my object. 

Place(s): Puerto Rico, Brazil
Year: 1979


Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant